The end of life for someone you hold dear is often a trying time. Diane Light and Sherry Hagen are available to work with you to create a memorial service that honors your loved one. Contact Diane or Sherry below to start the process.

Lay Minister Diane Light

Diane Light

Gathering together with family and friends when a loved one dies allows us to express our gratitude for that precious life and to honor our own grief. Through the sharing of stories, read ings, poetry and music, our loved one re-enters our lives and our hearts in a new way, as beloved memory that will journey with us in the days and years ahead. The funeral/celebration of life can be developed with the person who is dying or with the family after a loved one has died. Contact Diane at

Sherry Hagen

Sherry Hagen

A life passes on; we can mark the occasion in a way that has meaning to you. It can be a time of celebrating that life, a time that has meaning to you and your family. I would be honored to design an event that will be remembered throughout time. Contact Sherry at